Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Valentine Heart Wallpaper

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  • krishnam70
    07-20 04:08 PM
    She recently announced in her campaign that she will increase the H1B visas
    She also made a statement that she will try for more benefits for permanent residents.

    She does not want to support only the people who are in the process of immigration???

    Whats up with that.

    May be she is afraid of Lou Dobbs...Recently he has been criticizing her for her Indian ties

    or may be she is pro Rich Indian Americans ... this might sound ridiculous but her voting ney is crazy

    They always comment about us stealing the middle class jobs...tell me one case where they don't prefer US citizen over immigrant.
    I have been interviewing for couple of companies ...the first question they ask is ...Are you US citizen 2nd question r u Permanent resident
    Then we are sorry.

    Companies do not prefer US citizens over Immigrants...I don't know where this misconception comes in to play...
    There was a guy in our office who used to complain about Chineese and Indians stealing jobs...Believe he is a big slacker ..he recently got fired...people like him form these programmers guilds.

    We do not work for less and we are not paid less...may be they deduct our Gc expenses but not much

    Why is there a misconception about us?

    Lets get this thought out of these bone heads

    We are not middle class job stealers...We are the building blocks of a strong middle class

    proves that she is a double talker and just wants money. When the time comes to get in front of the Indian community she sweet talks about the values and hardworking nature of the community and swears to support the community and immigrants and takes in Huge contributions. Time to vote on major efforts that do help the community really and she votes 'no' obviously its her nature to double talk and some talk show hosts have rightly identified that and drill her on that. I think its time we showed to the clintons and all those who failed us this time that our community does count and we are going to make it felt.

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  • Stan09
    03-11 01:20 PM
    Hi All,
    something really strange is going on:
    I485 EB2 filed at NSC Dec 3,2008, and on Feb,18 received RFE(!) requesting employment verification, divorce certificate, W2 and some other stuff that has been posted to them just 2 months ago.:confused:

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  • gcpain
    04-25 04:41 PM
    This is good for everybody and solve lot of problems.

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  • Lacris
    07-23 05:58 PM
    My husband doesn't even want to look. He says he'll become too agitated, so only let him know the good news. I'm addicted too, but this could become a problem for me, since this week I have finals at school:o


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  • kaisersose
    06-10 12:04 PM
    One word answer:


    So AC21 and visa recapture happened without anyone trying for it.

    They increased quota of H1B, did AC21 because it was a market demand.
    Now the economy is down, there are elections, jobless rate is high............ so think why will they increase h1B quota or greencard quota? What is the incentive for government?

    I have always held that asking for quota increase is a bad idea and will not happen.

    Visa recapture is the best bet and even that appears to be a hassle as there are many factions opposing it.

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  • gc2
    03-31 06:17 PM
    a million things in this world are wrong and occassionally you will be at the receiver's end. Am sure you want things to change, so does every member of this group and many more who arent aware or part of IV yet.

    Let us(as members) know what would you like to change in USCIS management. If you feel management should be criticised then lets hear it detailed. Would request to keep a positive outlook and suggest what you would like to see happen. Am sure everyone hear is all ears.


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  • rajuram
    12-18 02:09 PM
    I have been wanting to post this for the last few days and was happy to read this thread.........can we do something like an Immigrant's Boycott Day or something where we should do a mass boycott all over the country.....we need to coordinate this across the entire country and do a gandhi style protest.....but we need atleast maybe 1000 people per city to do it.....I am not sure how difficult it is to get that many people.....but that seems to be the only way to create an Impact.......WE HAVE TO MAKE OUR EMPLOYERS FEEL THE IMPACT OF NOT HAVING US FOREIGN WORKERS.....THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THIS EXPLOITATION........its like when all the mexican farmers stopped working on the strawberry farms.....there were no strawberries in the market....I am in the Detroit, MI area.... we need to come up with a list of big cities where we can get 1000 people per city.

    Hit them where it hurts the most.

    I do not agree with ideas such as this one. We have to be careful not to attract any negative publicity. It is all about perceptions, lets not add to all the negative attitude towards aliens.

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  • EndlessWait
    07-24 04:19 PM
    After all sardarji can make a joke:D

    stop making sterotypical comments.


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  • digital2k
    05-06 11:33 AM
    Don�t miss this opportunity, Everything else can wait

    This is the Chance, Don't delay any longer

    Thank You, those who called, pls advise, help others

    Those who are waiting, pls call and you'll feel proud to have done so

    This is The Historic moment

    Be proud part in making history Now

    Friends, Everyone help keep this post at Number 1 by motivating others

    As the CIR bill outline is getting introduced today, we all need to do our share in making our voice heard. Our issues are real and affect about a million people patiently waiting in line for past several years. We are high-skilled immigrants who have followed all the rules and contribute significantly to the innovation and economy of this county. Our strength is our grassroots efforts, so let us all call our lawmakers and ask them to take immediate action on the immigration bill.

    Call your Legislators:

    Immigration Voice is organizing a nationwide call-the-lawmakers drive. We request members to call each and every senator and congress member. This drive will precede the �Advocacy Day(s)� in Washington, DC and �Meet the lawmaker� drive in local districts. Members can use this phone call conversation with their local lawmaker offices to follow-up with lawmakers when they meet during the break just after the Memorial day.

    Don�t miss this opportunity:

    This is the perfect time to call the lawmakers. The bill needs a push via support from people like us and all lawmakers needs to be encouraged and urged to help us. There are indications that there will be lot of activity on immigration issues in both House and Senate after the Memorial day. We need to make those activities go in our favor and not die like the CIR bill in 2006 & 2007. Thus it is important to starting calling lawmakers, starting from the Senate members. In order to capitalize on this opportunity, it is very important that everyone calls every lawmaker of this country. The similar next opportunity will be in 2013. We can participate now or we will all have ourselves to blame.

    This campaign starts today at 4:00 PM EST on 29th April, 2010) (Today) and will run until the end of next week. All IV members are encouraged to make multiple phone calls whenever they find some time during the day.


    This is the order in which we would prefer that members call. Call all the senators listed here, even if they are not from your state.

    This is the list of offices where there is maximum potential to swing votes either because they are new in the US senate or because they may be reconsidering their position on CIR if the bill has stricter provisions in it.


    Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts)
    (202) 224-4543

    Senator Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire)
    (202) 224-3324

    Senator Richard Lugar (R-Indiana)
    (202) 224-4814

    Senator Michael Enzi (R-Wyoming)
    (202) 224-3424

    Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
    (202) 224-5972

    Senator John Ensign (R-Nevada)
    (202) 224-6244

    Senator Orin Hatch (R-Utah)
    (202) 224-5251

    Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas)
    (202) 224-2934

    Senator John Kyl (R-Texas)
    (202) 224-4521

    Senator Mitch Mcconnell (R-Kentuky)
    (202) 224-2541

    Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota)
    (202) 224-3244

    Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri)
    (202) 224-6154

    Senator Jon Tester (D-Montana)
    (202) 224-2644

    Senator Jim Webb (D-Virginia)
    (202) 224-4024

    Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island)
    (202) 224-2921

    What you could say to the Senator offices listed above:

    When you call:
    Be courteous. Tell the lawmaker office that:

    I am a high skilled immigrant and a member of Immigration Voice. I fully support the proposed comprehensive immigration reform proposal released a few days back.

    I am calling to express my support for the high skilled provisions to resolve the current green card backlogs of the doctors, engineers, research scientist and professors etc. This group of highly skilled immigrants stimulates every part of the economy participating in creating economic prosperity, innovation and entrepreneurship for creating more jobs in America.

    I strongly urge the Senator to please support this proposal. If it is possible, could you please share the position of the Senator on the recently released (last week) Comprehensive Immigration Reform proposal?

    Thank you and I am counting on the Senator�s support for this very important issue of national importance. Please convey regards to the Senator.
    If you belong to the constituency (State) of the lawmaker, then tell them that you belong to their district/state and are calling to seek their help. If you are talking to a Senator office then tell them you are anxiously waiting for a Senators support for the immigration bill.

    Then ask: What is the lawmaker�s position on immigration proposal? If the position is
    - Supportive: Then thank the lawmaker office for it.

    - If they oppose it: Then request them to support the high skilled green card provisions of the bill that will greatly help you. You sincerely hope that the lawmaker will reconsider his/her position and help you.

    Be polite and persuasive in your message.

    Question What if some Senators say they do not support amnesty. -

    Answer "For last 10 years there has been no High-skilled immigration bill passed by the Congress. The world has changed in last 10 years. I understand that the Senator is a champion for creating more jobs in America. Employment based green cards will create jobs in America. I want to start my own company and hire people in America. But I cannot do that if I don't have a green card.

    I would sincerely request you to please convey to the Senator if he would consider supporting some version of the immigration
    giving more weight to green cards and creating jobs in America, or maybe the Senator could lead the effort for improving the proposal"


    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nevada)
    (202) 224-3542

    Senator Dick Durbin (Illinois)
    (202) 224-2152

    Senator Chuck Schumer (New York)
    (202) 224-6542

    Senator Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
    (202) 224-4242

    Senator Dianne Feinstein (California)
    (202) 224-3841

    Senator Bob Menendez (New Jersey)
    (202) 224-4744

    Sen. Ben Cardin (Maryland)
    (202) 224-4524


    When you call:
    Be courteous. Tell the lawmaker office that:
    I am a high skilled immigrant and a member of Immigration Voice. I fully support the proposed comprehensive immigration reform proposal due to be introduced later in the day today.

    Thank you for the Senator�s leadership on this very important issue of immigration. Please convey my gratitude, full support and regards to the Senator.

    Be polite and persuasive in your message.

    Stick to the message and you will really make a big difference.

    Please post the outcome of your call on this thread. For more information please contact IV.

    Thank You,

    Immigration Voice

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  • minimalist
    08-18 02:20 PM
    Please continue to post your comments on the letter - the sooner we can all agree upon the content, the sooner we can start sending these out.

    Also, is there a possibility of having a common meeting (all retrogressed EB3 candidates) with Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren expressing our situation - just a thought.

    Can't we request this info under Freedom of Information Act?


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  • Valentine Heart Cure Me

  • Pallavi79
    09-13 10:06 PM
    Eb2 people are highly qualified compared to EB3. I encourage EB2 people do the following before taking the action against eb3 to eb2.
    1.Get more GC numbers.
    2.Upgrade your self to EB1. So that you can get visas immediately.
    3.Fight for GC approvals in FIFO order.

    If you ignore above issues but focus on Eb3 to Eb2, you are definitely from EB2 and you want to fight for your own GC. Nothing else matters to you.

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  • kshitijnt
    06-26 02:22 PM
    not necessary ...replacements are difficult for key jobs and expertise. if the right person leaves the job ..then a small / medium (or even large ones) can go off road. more than replacement is the effort to find the right person, train him ..and for that person to go through the experience curve ..(I guess you are looking from your level ..are you in s.ware or in testing ?....if yes, you need to look at other higher levels ..ofcourse, for such people EB1 is available ..)
    but I agree does not hurt US as much since economy is so huge ..but it can definitely hurt the business firms ..this was the main reason why the law was changed (or passed) allow H-1 people to continue staying even after 6 years ..earlier they had to leave compulsorily..(I am not an expert feel free to correct).
    and this can happen either at highly skilled level in a big company to a smaller business..
    for e.g. a restaurant can go out of business if their main skilled cook is forced to leave due to immi (or something else).
    and ofcourse a v.big company may lose a skilled analyst (and similarly a scientist etc etc)

    Thats one thing. Again we are talking of replacing these key people in NUMBERS aka thousands? So what does america gain?


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  • vik352
    09-11 04:17 PM
    This sounds like a great idea. It conveys our message and is funny which is why it will be picked up by media, that is exactly what we need. I am in.

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  • kanaihya
    09-10 04:38 PM
    I live in busy locality in NY. I can help distributing the flyers (if u have any) to the people visiting to Indian grocery stores, temples and restaurant, I know.



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  • black_logs
    03-09 02:38 PM
    EB3_NEPA, I'm pretty sure that's how it works. They first use the regular EB3 numbers available.
    Black_logs are you ABSOLUTELY sure that they eat into the EB3 numbers? On the Visa Bulletin, they have a seperate entry below the EB3. Just curious if we are getting this Schedule A thing correctly

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  • newbie2020
    04-30 04:17 PM
    Yes it is legal to upload it, Since it is a public domain file. (Judiciary committee/USCIS may also make it available to public for review)


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  • wantgc23
    08-14 08:23 PM
    I have read the Original quote several times and dont see how they mean June 2007, To me it is clear that they are talking about June 2008.

    Sorry to sound so negative, but I think we are looking at something like Sept 2001 for EB3-I in Oct bulletin.

    I doubt that USCIS can talk cryptic like Alan Greenspan, they probably meant that the PD will be back to what it was in june 08. There are only 3k visas per category and thousands of applicants, i dont see a logical reason why the dates will move 2-3 years. If they do, i too will buy you dinner. nothing is logical with USCIS... during the last couple of weeks of September you will see significant numbers of EB 2 approvals and then its back to square one for another year.

    The main reason for the 2 year movement in june 07 was because they wanted to allocate all unallocated visas for the year, then the July VB came out and the rest is history. They have improved the coordination between DOJ and USICS since. Just want to be realistic, if we start assuming thing people get complacent and stop doing the little activities that help us.

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  • 9years
    12-02 09:02 AM
    How much time does one really need to prepare to file for labor these days ,please let me know. The time before filing the labor, if everything goes very fast.
    Robert Kumar,

    Even though one wants to push too fast, I think there are certain duration one has to wait in each step before goes to the next step (this is just based on my knowledge and I may be wrong). It takes around 6 months minimum I think. Good luck for your process.

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  • gonecrazyonh4
    04-25 11:04 AM
    My husband has been working on H1B with a leading company in USA since early 2000. Our Labor was filed in March 2005 and is stuck at BEC. I am on H4 and am not able to work or contribute.

    One of our friends starting working in USA through a consultant in late 2004. Filed his I-140 directly with a substitute PD in June 2005. They received their EAD same year in October 2005 and received his physical Green card on February 2006 . He used a priority date of 1999 due to his substitute PD. Now he is a free bird and can move jobs, his wife can work and they receive all the benefits of green card.

    How fair can this be?

    We are unable to move, take up a better job, receive a promotion or take up fulltime studies even after getting admission in best Universities due to our Visa situation.

    Sweeping changes are necessary in immigration rules and the date the person starts to work on H1B should be considered as the priority date. It will eliminate lot of corruption and reward those who truly contribute to the economy.

    Student with no hopes
    09-10 08:36 AM
    Came here in 2005, graduated in 2009, on OPT - have not filed for GC yet - can't imagine when I will get gc

    09-11 12:34 AM
    there is still time even for the rally
    if not going- plenty of time :-)

    guys they are shipping very quick
    all i did was to use "standard" instead of regular shipping
    cost me less than $2 more for 3 items
    here's my deal:

    ordered friday night
    shipped monday morning (first working day)
    in transit now and scheduled for delivery wednesday

    so you can still order and get it for the rally!!!!

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